Cabinet magazine issue 46, with a special section on “Punishment,” is available now. Cabinet is on sale in the US at independent bookstores, Barnes & Noble, Tower, Hudson News, and Universal News. Also available in Canada, the UK, Germany, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Greece, Turkey, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan
– Danielle S. Allen discusses punishment, citizenship, and authority with Justin E. H. Smith
– Will Wiles cinches up the history of the straitjacket
– Bernard E. Harcourt explores “free” markets and the carceral state with Eric Anthamatten
– Dusty Keelson-Marr eyes voyeurism and violence
– D. Graham Burnett reads Dante’s Inferno against Dante’s Inferno
– Ines Weizman and Eyal Weizman pull prison texts off the shelf
– Jeffrey Kastner leads a multi-generational conversation about punishment in the home
– The Wardens of Cabinet serve up a deeply unappetizing plate of disciplinary loaf
– Artists Ellen Harvey, Frank Heath, Carl de Keyzer, Lin + Lam, Francesco Simeti, and Javier Téllez present punitive projects
– Eden Medina on Stafford Beer’s cybernetic plan for Allende’s Chile
– Kevin McMahon on the history of the voice in cinema
– Ned Beauman on scent as a chemical weapon
– George Prochnik on the hidden history of the tattoo
– Andrew Toland on using the Internet for DIY detective work
– Wayne Koestenbaum on the importance of being Ernest (Borgnine)
– Leland de la Durantaye on the blinding brightness of blond
– Adam Jasper on the dangers and delectations of fusarium
– Christopher Turner on the orphaned objects of London’s Foundling Museum
Cabinet is published by Immaterial Incorporated, a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Cabinet receives generous support from the Lambent Foundation, the Orphiflamme Foundation, the National Endowment for the Arts, the New York State Council on the Arts, the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs, the Warhol Foundation, and the Katchadourian Family Foundation.