A very special, limited edition, volume, called Ray Harryhausen – A Life in Pictures with nearly 300 images, will be published on the 26th June to coincide with the evening at the National Film Theatre on that date, and to celebrate Ray’s 90th birthday.
The book will be published by the Foundation and the cost will be £30, all of which will go towards the preservation, restoration of a number of Ray’s models. So if you buy this unique book you will be taking part in helping to preserve Ray’s heritage into the foreseeable future.
The book will be available at the NFT on the 26th and for sometime after as well as at The London Film Museum and through the Cinema Store and their website.
The Ray & Diana Harryhausen Foundation is a charitable Trust set up by Ray on the 10th April 1986. It is the primary aim of the Foundation to protect Ray’s name and body of work as well as archiving, preserving and restoring Ray’s extensive collection.
In addition the Foundation is firmly committed to show and exhibit, for educational and enjoyment purposes, all of Ray’s unique collection and films.
The Trustees include Ray and Ray and Diana’s daughter Vanessa Harryhausen who is determined to protect and conserve her father’s name and reputation in the film industry.
It is estimated that there are over twenty thousand items in the collection, including original armatured models, hard rubber stand-in models, armatures, original moulds, original artwork, original miniatures, stills, negatives, original equipment, various test and dailies footage, books and many influences, such as paintings and lithographs by Gustav Dore and Willis O’Brien. During Ray’s life, it is remarkable and fortunate that he has rarely thrown anything away, which is why the collection is near complete and contains so much original materials.